FLEX Alumni are International Education Week 2016

Annually, the FLEX Alumni community celebrates International Education Week through a variety of alumni activities.  International Education Week (IEW) is an opportunity to celebrate the...

Film Producer Akmyrat Tuyliyev ’08 ‘I want to go beyond entertainment’

Borders are drawn by politicians but human beings live on this planet together. We should collaborate and do creative work across continents. Let's represent...

Call for Applications: Central Asia FLEX-Ability StartQube Workshop 2016

Central Asia FLEX-Ability StartQube Program Description FLEX-Alumni Bringing Ideas, Leadership, and Initiative To Youth. American Councils for International Education announces the Central Asia FLEX-Ability StartQube Workshop...

Call for Mentors: Central Asia FLEX-Ability StartQube Workshop 2016

FLEX-Alumni Bringing Ideas, Leadership, and Initiative To Youth. Dates: 20-24 July, 2016 Deadline: June 15th, 11:59 PM EST FLEX-Ability StartQube Workshop Mentor Application: American Councils for International Education...

Madina Tuhbatullina ’14: Drama Club Performance of the Wizard of Oz in Turkmenistan

Make sure that you don’t miss out on your chance to do volunteer work!  It will help you explore new places and discover opportunities...

Second Annual Central Asia FLEX-Ability Workshop: FLEX Alumni Bringing Ideas Leadership and Initiative to...

Fifty-one alumni from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan engaged in trainings and developed community ideas at the second annual Central Asia FLEX-Ability workshop on...

Ayna Kebayeva ’10 Carries Inspiration in Her Pocket

‘Being surrounded by inspirational people and meeting students from all over the world made me want to  try and achieve great things.  In America...

Turkmenistan’s Jennet Gurbanmammedova ’10 Pursues Ethical Business Practices

Jennet Gurbanmammedova ‘10 Balkanabat, Turkmenistan / Alexandria, VA Education: KIMEP University in Almaty, Kazakhstan, Majoring in Finance, Minoring in Accounting   In August 2015 Jennet Gurbanmammedova ‘10 will...

International Day of People with Disability in Turkmenabat, Turkmenistan

International Day of People with Disability: On December 3, 23 community members attended a presentation about International Day of People with Disability and listened to...

International Volunteer Day Events in Turkmenistan

FLEX Alumni in Turkmenistan are some of the most active youth volunteers, organizing hundreds of events each month to share skills and knowledge that...