Polish FLEX Alumni Take Part in USG Mentorship Program

The U.S. Embassy in Warsaw and American Councils in Poland teamed up to launch a virtual mentoring program for 32 alumni of U.S. Government...

Helping Senior Citizens in Warsaw During COVID-19

In March 2020, when the COVID-19 outbreak began to effect Warsaw, FLEX alumnus Jakub Dzik ‘19 (Warsaw, Poland/Scio, NY) wanted to help out his...

Central Europe FLEX Ability Workshop 2019

Fifty-four FLEX alumni from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Romania attended the Central Europe FLEX Ability Workshop on November 13-16.  Participants learned about smart...

FLEX Alumni Celebrate the U.S.-Poland Relationship

There was much to celebrate in Poland this summer.  The country celebrated the 100thanniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the U.S. and...

“I Know America” Contest in Poland

FLEX Alumni in Poland participated in the “I Know America” high school youth competition that marked the 100th anniversary of U.S.-Polish diplomatic relations.  The...

FLEX Alumni Poland and the Youth for Peace Project

FLEX Alumni from Poland took part in the project "Youth for Peace: 100 Years after World War I, 100 Ideas for Peace", which took...

Announcing GYSD Matching Grants Program 2019

American Councils for International Education is pleased to announce the annual Global Youth Service Day (GYSD) Matching Grants program for FLEX and YES alumni....

Winter FLEX Alumni Volunteering Activities in Poland

The fledgling FLEX alumni community in Poland bravely faced the cold winter months without letting the weather stop them from continuing to give back...

The First Cohort of Polish FLEX Alumni Off to a Great Start!

Have you ever wondered how the FLEX Alumni program started in your country, or how the first group of participants managed to create the...