Elisabeth Egel ’19 Promotes Accessibility in Estonian Opera

In September, Elisabeth Egel ’19 (Tallinn, Estonia/Armada, MI) used funds she was awarded by the FLEX Alumni Grant to help create programs with Braille...

A Host Family Reunion in Estonia

By Marke Mark ’17 (Tartu, Estonia / Cass City, MI)  Earlier this month, Elisabeth Egel ’19 (Tallinn, Estonia / Armada, MI) found herself waiting at...

Announcing GYSD Matching Grants Program 2019

American Councils for International Education is pleased to announce the annual Global Youth Service Day (GYSD) Matching Grants program for FLEX and YES alumni....

Estonian Alumni Revive a Volunteering Tradition

By Roosmari Pihlak ’20 (Tallinn, Estonia, placed by CIEE in Maryville, MO)  We are all human, despite our differences. However, sometimes people who are different...

Central Europe FLEX Ability Workshop 2019

Fifty-four FLEX alumni from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Romania attended the Central Europe FLEX Ability Workshop on November 13-16.  Participants learned about smart...

Traditions in the Estonian FLEX Alumni Community

In the four years of its existence, the FLEX alumni community in Estonia has connected by creating traditions that bring the community together. Their...

Eastern Europe FLEX Ability Workshop 2017 #EEFAW17

American Councils for International Education, through the FLEX program, organized a workshop for 76 alumni of the program on November 9-12 in Irpin, Ukraine. ...