Welcome, Alice

Alisa Shor ’05 Omsk, Russia/Orlando, FL alisa_d_shor mail ru ‘Welcome, Alice' August 3, 2004 As soon as my eyes meet these words, I look up to see...

The First Step toward My Dream

Dima David Mironenko-Hubbs ’98 Volgograd, Russia/Pinson, AL dmironenko gmail com Current city: Cambridge, MA One of the biggest turning points in my own life was becoming...

Lynchburg, Virginia was the Start of My International Journey

Elena Alliloueva-Lorigan ’94 Moscow, Russia/ Lynchburg, VA elorigan childfund ie Finance and Sponsor Relations Manager ChildFund Ireland, Dublin I was an exchange student at Brookville High School...

My Mexican Brother: 11 Years of Friendship

Alisa Klots Baranova ’99 Perm, Russia/ Spokane, WA AlissaKlots yandex ru Every FLEX student had a host family. Most of us had siblings. So did...

Changing Host Families

Mariya Guzenko ‘03 Chelyabinsk, Russia/Farmington, PA emelle yandex ru It’s obvious that a good rapport with the family is the student’s guarantee of a successful...

Storia d’Amora: Connecting Russian FLEX and U.S. Hosts at Wedding in Italy

Olesya Dianova ‘97 Moscow, Russia/Albany, NY olesya dianova gmail com When Fedor proposed to me two years ago, there were at least couple of...