Project Organizer: Daria Batsan ’15
Event Location: Mykolaiv, Ukraine
$ 120 in FLEX Alumni Grant Funding
$ 130 cost share from: Black Sea State University, guest speaker Iryna Semenchuk, FLEX alumni

daria-batsan---img_4330On 17 April Daria Batsan ’15 together with Yuliia Khakimova‘13 and Yuliia Rusianovska‘15 organized a youth leadership conference in Mykolaiv, Ukraine. The event which took place at Black Sea State University was attended by 20 participants.

The main topics discussed at the conference were effective leadership, project management and personal development. The participants also learnt about different youth conferences and internships available for them locally and internationally.

daria-batsan---img_4342‘Besides practical information we also prepared a lot of interesting and fun facts, such as what type of clothes leaders usually wear and what type of signatures they have,’ says Daria.

The project was covered on social media. The participants are now working on joint follow-up initiatives through which they could put their new skills to practice.