Project Organizer: Tinatini Iaganashvili ’15
Event Location: Gurjaani, Georgia
$ 120 in FLEX Alumni Grant Funding
$ 120 cost share from: The Kakheti Media Center

Tinatini Iaganashvili - GYSDpicture3To help young people plan their academic future and motivate them to succeed, on May 5th Tinatini Iaganashvili ’15 organized a career training for 35 students in Gurjaani, Kakheti region, Georgia. The project partner, the Kakheti Media Center provided a conference room with a projector free of charge.

Tinatini attracted the participants by promoting it in schools and on social media and following up with phone calls. The FLEX alumna made a presentation about career planning highlighting academic and professional opportunities available for students in Georgia and abroad. In the course of the event the participants reflected on their high school experiences and shared their professional aspirations with the group.

Tinatini Iaganashvili - GYSD picture #6‘The biggest challenge was to make a presentation that would keep young people engaged from the beginning till the end – that’s why I tried to keep it funny and full of interesting facts. In general the project was a success. Afterwards many students came up to me and said that they’d learnt a lot from the training,’ says Tinatini.