In 1999, Samir Hajiyev ’00 embarked on an academic journey from Baku, Azerbaijan to Ukiah, California, an experience that forever changed his personal and professional trajectory. Having completed the FLEX program 25 years ago, Mr. Hajiyev attests to its role in enhancing his career, personal development, and command of the English language. Mr. Hajiyev currently serves as the Strategic Content Coordination Specialist for the U.S. Embassy in Azerbaijan. 

It was during this exchange year in the United States that Mr. Hajiyev discovered his interest in computer science and web design through a course offered at his host high school. This newfound passion led him to pursue further education in technology, leading to his involvement in pioneering online ventures, including the inception of Azerbaijan’s first online shop. In 2012, Mr. Hajiyev merged his passion for technology and international relations by joining the Public Diplomacy Team at the U.S. Embassy in Baku. 

Mr. Hajiyev continues to celebrate the impact of the FLEX program, recognizing the integral role exchange programs play in building stronger ties between nations. “It helps students to see the world, culture, and diplomacy, at different angles,” shared Mr. Hajiyev. “Through educational and cultural exchanges, we can build a better and brighter world based on mutual respect and understanding.” 

When asked what advice he would give to exchange program participants interested in pursuing careers in foreign affairs, Mr. Hajiyev encourages them to be flexible and adaptable, and to demonstrate a commitment to serving their country. “Keep working hard and showing passion about the world,” he continues, “and always be ahead of developments to react fast to dynamic world changes.” 


Featured Alumnus:

Samir Hajiyev ’00 (Baku, Azerbaijan, placed by AYUSA in Redwood Valley, CA)


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