Christmas is a time when many FLEX alumni look for special ways to reach into the life of someone in need and make their day a little brighter. December of 2018 was a busy, yet productive month for alumni in Moldova. Here are seven ways FLEX alumni gave back to their community this holiday season!
Clothing/Food Drive
During the holidays, money can be especially tight and something as simple as a warm blanket can make a big difference! From December 13 to 20, with the support of students and parents from her high school, Anghelina Gherghelejinic ’18 (Edinet, Moldova/ Tekonsha, MI) managed to collect numerous bags filled with clothes, shoes and toys to donate to around 30 socially vulnerable families and persons with disabilities from the Edinet district.
On December 25, Dana Coliban ’18 (Soroca, Moldova/ Topsham, ME) and Alina Bostan ’18 (Sorova, Moldova/ Paw Paw, MI) traveled to the Oclanda Village in Soroca to deliver supplies and food to a single, unemployed mother of four children living in poor conditions. The alumnae spent time with the children and together they made a gingerbread house, using items donated by a local store, SRL “Prima Market”.
Movies for Charity
Having a gift to open on Christmas day can truly have an impact, especially for disadvantaged families. Roxana Radu ‘18 (Edinet, Moldova/ Flagstaff, AZ) organized a charity movie night on December 26 at the “SALVE” Center for Youth in Edinet, where they watched “A Christmas Carol”. Participants had to pay an entrance fee which Roxana used to buy gifts for people with disabilities in the neighborhood.
Visit the Elderly
Christmas can be an especially lonely time for elderly. That’s why Alina Caraman ’18 (Calarasi, Moldova/ McCormick, SC) decided to make Christmas cards together with young artists at the Calarasi Art School to deliver to a local nursing home. The team delivered the cards and goodies on December 24 and spent a wonderful time interacting with the elderly.
Holiday theme masquerade
The most giving thing you can do during the holiday season is to give your time! Anna Volosciuc ’18 (Orhei, Moldova/ Concord, MI) volunteered at the Ribnita Gymnasium and helped to implement their New Year masquerade on December 29. She prepared games, dancing contests and assisted children with their costumes.
Donating toys
Imagine Christmas with no toys and no gifts to open. Victoria Lungu ’13 (Chisinau, Moldova/ Columbia, MD) wanted more children to feel the warmth and joy of this holiday, so she organized the “CheerThemUp” campaign to collect toys for children whose parents could not afford them. After three weeks, Victoria and Eduard Ciobanu ’17 (Causeni, Moldova/ Raleigh, NC), Irina Mihalachi ’17 (Durlesti, Moldova/ Aiea, HI) and USG alumna Daniela Lungu dressed up as Santa and reindeer and visited the village Anenii Noi on December 21 to donate school supplies, toys and candy to socially vulnerable children.
Volunteering during holiday seasons improves the lives of members of your community! You don’t need much to make somebody happy, as these alumni have proven. Your time is the most precious gift you can give!
Written by Victoria Lungu ‘13