Project Organizer: Zhamilia Klycheva ’13
Event Location: Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
$ 210 in FLEX Alumni Grant Funding
$ 210 cost share from: Bishkek school № 34, AUCA TV, FLEX alumni and local volunteers

zhamilia-klycheva---img_8997On 11 April Zhamilia Klycheva ’13 and ten volunteers, including three FLEX alumnae, conducted a project ‘Step Towards Your Health’ promoting healthy lifestyle and sports among students with mental and physical disabilities. It took place in Bishkek school № 34 bringing together 170 students, 30 parents and the school staff. Besides the venue the school also provided all the necessary technical and sports equipment, stationary and a coffee break, while the AUCA TV organized photo and video coverage of the event.

zhamilia-klycheva---img_9023Throughout the day primary and middle-school students took part in various sport and leisure activities, including soccer, arm wrestling, bowling and hula-hooping. The parents meanwhile had a chance to attend a presentation on the topic of healthy nutrition prepared by the FLEX alumni.

Zhamilia plans to continue conducting projects for the school children and hopes to prepare more sports activities and a Christmas party.

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