Project Organizer: Aneta Katuric ’15
Event Location: Kotor, Montenegro
$ 198 in FLEX Alumni GYSD Matching Grant Funding
$ 200 cost share from: Vrtic Skaljari kindergarten, local volunteers 

aneta-katuric---dsc_0036 (2)‘For years a kindergarten playground in Kotor served as an important community center. Since it was free, people of all ages came here to exercise and socialize. Yet recently it’s started looking more like a junkyard and children had to play in an unhygienic environment,’ says Aneta Katuric ’15.

aneta-katuric---dsc_0061On May 5 she joined forces with 18 local volunteers to clean up and renovate the grounds of Vrtic Skaljari kindergarten. Together they removed all the trash from the playground and the surrounding area, cut the grass, repaired and repainted the fence. This renovation will positively affect 150 children who spend time in the playground and the local community in general. The kindergarten provided free drinks and desert to all the volunteers.

The activity was covered on Facebook and Instagram pages of the FLEX Alumni Montenegro.