Over 375 FLEX and YES alumni and allies of the programs attended the Projects for All Workshop aimed at exploring effective ways to develop projects by and with people with disabilities  with many more watching the recordings via Facebook Live. The training workshop was the second part of the Americans with Disabilities Act 30th Anniversary workshop series that launched with the Crip Camp Workshop a series of trainings and online events in August led by iEARN USA.  
The Projects for All workshop was a joint event organized by Mobility International USA (MIUSA) and American Councils for International Education that included three trainings and a follow-on grants program for FLEX and YES program alumni. The first session, an Introduction to Designing Accessible Projects, focused on the twin track approach to inclusivity, by making all projects accessible and designing effective projects by and with people with disabilities, for people with disabilities. The session included appearances by FLEX and YES alumni who organized accessible projects and projects that advance the rights of people with disabilities.   

Sessions two and three walked participants through the key components of inclusive project design and management and storytelling to effectively highlight alumni projects and promote disability rights and inclusivity. FLEX alumnus Azat Toroev ’14 (Chui, Kyrgyzstan/Fort Collins, CO) and YES alumna Klea Troka ’12 (Lushnje, Albania/ Delaware, OH) co-hosted the sessions. 

As a follow up to the Americans with Disabilities Act 30th Anniversary workshop series (August 17-21, 2020 and November 10-13, 2020), alumni of the Future Leaders Exchange (FLEX) program and the Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) program are eligible to apply for funding to hold follow-on projects. The grants program is funded by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) and administered by American Councils for International Education. Alumni are eligible to apply for project funds of up to $500 per alumnus/a (and up to a maximum of $3,000 for group projects with more than 6 alumni) to organize post-workshop activities that contribute to the achievement of rights, inclusion, and equal opportunity for people with disabilities in the alumnus/a’s community. The application deadline is December 6, and the application can be found here.