Project Organizer: Marija Digic ’15
Event Location: Nis, Serbia
$ 170 in FLEX Alumni Grant Funding
$ 170 cost share from: The Regent Club Hotel

marija-djigic---flex-gysd-mari (1)On April 15-16 Marija Digic ’15 and Marko Stojanovic ’12 implemented a project management workshop for 25 students from the secondary school in Nis, Serbia. The workshop was hosted at the Regent Club Hotel in Nis for free.

‘I decided to implement this project because I had noticed that students in my school had a lot of entrepreneurial potential but lacked skills in project management,’ says Marija.

marija-djigic---flex-gysd-mariDuring the workshop the participants learnt how to turn their project visions into reality and came up with their own ideas. The FLEX alumni also taught the students how to prepare a budget, monitor and evaluate the results. The results of the workshop were presented through a Gallery Walk after which the participants and FLEX alumni discussed ways to combine all the projects into one big action.

‘We are planning to implement this action before the end of the school year. I’m very proud of our accomplishments and hope that the students will remain interested in this topic next year,’ says the FLEX alumna.