Aizhan Zhumagulova ’13  (Balykchy, Kyrgyzstan)
Event Location: Balykchy, Kyrgyzstan
$ 290 FLEX Alumni GYSD Grant Funding
$1356 cost share from: Kadyralieva Zhyparkul Baryktabasovna – Issyk-Kul Region RCSK Branch

IMG_8017__1430815308_212.72.128.2Since first aid during earthquakes is a topic rarely discussed in schools, Aizhan Zhumagulova ’13 together with a team of 5 volunteers conducted a three-day training for local school students on it in her native town Balykchy. Over the course of the training, which took place on April 23-25, students learned how to behave before the arrival of the natural disaster and what to do during it.

On the first day they studied the causes of earthquakes and the consequences. The favorite part of the day for most students was building seismographs out of stationery on their desks and watching them fall with a class-made earthquake.

IMG_8098__1430815353_212.72.128.2 (1)During the second day students learned what should a First Aid Kit should contain and explored ways of providing first aid in different situations – when a person is unconscious, burnt, stuck in a car, etc.  Later in the day this knowledge was demonstrated on each other, with students acting out various scenarios.

On the third day Aizhan and her team organized sport activities and a fun day for the students.  All students are asked to share the information that they learned with their families and classmates.