We are proud to announce the winners of the 2015 FLEX and A-SMYLE alumni photo and video contest. A team of judges from the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs chose their top three choices for excellent pictures and videos that depict the essence of the FLEX and A-SMYLE Alumni programs. A Popular Choice Award is awarded to the picture/video that receives the most likes on Facebook Alumni Photo Contest album as of 11:59 PM EST Tuesday August 31st, 2015. Below are the are the winners for the 2015 competition.

1st place: Nargiza Kanybek kyzy ’13 (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan) with her photo taken during a leadership event for girls in a rural area of Kyrgyzstan.
2nd place: Vadim Abanin ’09 (Dushanbe, Tajikistan) with his video highlighting FLEX alumni activities in Tajikistan.
3rd place: Omina Sanginova ’07 (Khujand, Tajikistan) with her photo taken during a New Year’s celebration organized by FLEX Alumni for children at the Hissor Orphanage.
Popular Choice Award: Kyrylo Beskorovayny ’11 (Chernihiv, Ukraine) wins the Popular Choice Award for his video highlighting the work of FLEX alumni and Ukrainian volunteers with the Ukraine Help and Travel Program. The video received 106 likes in the Facebook album.
Please view all of the amazing photos from FLEX and A-SMYLE alumni activities at the Facebook Album Alumni Photo/Video Contest 2015.