1236806_212883865502189_1301904725_nNineteen FLEX alumni coordinators worked with American Councils staff and guest trainers in Peredelkino, Russia September 20-22, for the annual FLEX Alumni Coordinator Training Conference. At the start of the weekend each coordinator shared highlights of the past year’s activities, which opened the doors for exchanging experiences and best ideas for working with alumni in their regions.  They appreciated the opportunity to learn more about the FLEX Alumni Grants program both from staff and from fellow coordinators who had successfully completed grant projects. They gave a very high evaluation to both the presentation and the concept on which the Help & Travel Grant Project was based, led by Ekaterina Zhupanova ‘09, Kyiv and Central Ukraine Alumni Coordinator and her team of FLEX Central Ukraine City Representatives. They also considered the Social Media Content Marketing Presentation by Anna Shekhtman ‘96 as an eye opener that will help them develop and implement more sophisticated and attention-getting social media strategies to engage their alumni. The group also used the time together to even more plans for FLEX Appreciation Day, including a spontaneous video, which reflects the talents and energy they bring to their work as FLEX Alumni Coordinators.  http://youtu.be/PzOlAdb_5PE