Eastern Europe FLEX-Ability Program Description FLEX-Ability: FLEX Alumni Bringing Ideas, Leadership, and Initiative To Youth!
The Eastern Europe FLEX-Ability Workshop organized by American Councils will be held in Chisinau, Moldova, November 12-15, 2015. The workshop is designed to teach FLEX alumni from Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, and Ukraine project design and management skills. Each participant will also have the opportunity to select a specialized theme in which he or she will gain additional knowledge and skill: English language instruction, anti-corruption and transparency, human rights, or sustainable development. Alumni will leave the conference prepared to take on challenges that are impacting their communities.
Trainer requirements: The FLEX Alumni program is seeking experts and trainers living in Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, and Ukraine who will share best practices, knowledge, and professional expertise with participants in one of the three following subtopics: English language instruction, anti-corruption and transparency, human rights, or sustainable development.
Trainers will be required to develop and teach theme-based lesson plans; co-lead lessons on project design and management following the FLEX-Ability curriculum; assist in developing ideas for Chisinau-area theme-based site visits; brainstorm with participants on potential theme-based projects to implement in their home countries following the workshop; and help participants establish a network of supportive partners, including organizations and institutions relevant to their theme area. Both theme-based and project design and management sessions will be taught using an interactive, team-teaching model.
Selected trainers will be required to attend two to three days of training in Moldova prior to the workshop and must therefore be available for the entire period November 9-15, 2015.
Application Process: The trainer application process consists of three rounds:
Round One: Open call for submission of applications, including current resume or CV
Round Two: Selected candidates from Round One will be asked to prepare and submit a sample lesson plan
Round Three: Selected candidates from Round Two will be invited for an interview over Skype
Trainers will be selected by a panel of American Councils FLEX Alumni program staff evaluators.
Application Information: https://flexalumniprogram.submittable.com/submit/47110
Interested applicants must complete and submit the online application with all accompanying materials by September 20, 2015 at 11:59 PM EST. Late submissions will not be accepted.
Selected trainers will receive round-trip transportation to Chisinau, Moldova, housing for the Training of Trainers and the conference, all meals, and insurance if needed. Compensation will be determined on a case by case basis.
For questions, please contact Rebecca Strattan at rebecca@americancouncilssee.org and Natia Sharikadze at natia@amcouncils.ge.
Photographs courtesy of Alan Laun