20141211_185820[1]Alumni Coordinator Lyudmyla Krasnytska ’10 organized an open discussion on Human Rights with the representatives of the governmental and non-governmental sectors on December 11. The discussion was led by official representative of the ombudsman, Mykhailo Chaplyha and campaign coordinator at Amnesty International Zoryan Kis.  The guest speakers gave participants information on human rights protection and violation cases in Ukraine.

Fourteen U.S. government alumni attended the event.  In addition to learning about the topic and taking the opportunity to get their questions answered, alumni participated in a letter marathon, organized by Amnesty International across Ukraine.  The campaign aims to increase awareness about and to protect people whose rights have been violated without any punishment of the guilty.  The goal of the event focused on encouraging alumni to think about their rights and how they can help to protect their own and other people’s rights.


You can discover more about the Amnesty International on: their Facebook page of Amnesty International and Write For Rights website.