10389331_826481100697803_5580284983801557329_nFLEX Alumni Coordinator (AC) Nicu Gaibu ‘12 together with former AC Natalia Andreev ‘07 hosted the American Independence Day celebration sponsored by the Creative Development Association on July 5, which attracted over 50 FLEX alumni and 100 community members.   The event was held at the Leogrand Hotel and followed the theme of Walk the History – Embrace Differences. Those in attendance wore different costumes and creative outfits to follow the theme, embracing their personal backgrounds or the national costumes of communities that they interacted with while on exchange programs. In the end of the event, people who were wearing the most creative costumes received some special prizes. In addition to the FLEX alumni in attendance, over 50 alumni of other U.S. Government-sponsored exchange programs attended the event and mingled with representatives of the U.S. Embassy in Moldova.

The FLEX alumni hosts of the event involved participants in activities and games and worked as connectors to help those in attendance, alumni, Embassy representatives, and partner organization representatives find each other and network.  During the event, Ambassador William H. Moser socialized with alumni and learned about the projects that they are organizing in Moldova.