The FLEX program is pleased to announce the winner of the FLEX 20th Anniversary competition $20 Challenge Contest Vladimir Krekhmayer ’13 (Pavlodar, Kazakhstan).  Vladimir organized the project below.

Make the Children Smile
Vladimir Krekhmayer ’13 (Pavlodar, Kazakhstan)

team43605-section10400-владимиркрехмаериаллакрыловауспехакциидень1-1376305244106 (small)Vladimir Krekhmayer ’13 and Alla Krylova ’13 organized the Make the Children Smile Project on August 8, 2013 in Pavlodar, Kazakhstan.  The alumni team asked community members to donate clothing for local orphanages. In order to attract attention to their project, the alumni held activities near the donation site outside of a shopping center, played music, and gave away American-style cookies.  Alumni also used social media to promote the event and received free of cost advertising in the Pavlodar online newspaper.  Alumni fundraised over $80 in community donations during the event and received bags and bags of donated clothing and toys.  The alumni organized this project to encourage their neighbors to think about the needs of the community and promote volunteerism.
